Imagine how powerful it would be to know more about your family history, not just your family tree but who your relatives really were and what they did in the course of their lifetime.
Now you have the opportunity to gift a legacy to your family for generations to come. Your thoughts experiences, perspectives and values can play a big part in their future.
"Remember Me - The Story of My Life" will help you create a true treasure. More than the jewelry in your box or the tools in your chest, you are passing on a piece of your HEART!
Remember Me
The Story of My Life
You are creating the story of your life.
You will review, reflect and leave your thumbprint in history. Take your time, work on a page at a time. We are all the ancestors today and have a rare opportunity to share our thoughts and experiences with the world.
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Coming Full Circle- When the Diagnosis is Terminal
100 Tools, Tips and Ideas that will make a difference during the end of life. This is a Pre-sale Launch. A first edition signed copy will be mailed to you when the first shipment arrives.
Over 300 pages filled with a plethora of tools to feel more closure, less anxiety and more control during this sacred milestone in life.
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