There are certain regrets people have at the very end of life. Think and contemplate these regrets today and you won't have them later on. Give them deep thought and try to recognize what you can implement into your life today, in order for you not to feel these regrets later on.
1. "I wish I pursued my dreams and didn't listen to what others told me to do."
Call it the courage to do it, the expectations of others, lack of confidence, it was crazy or you couldn't make enough money, it doesn't matter. This seems to be one of the biggest regrets of all. Listen to your heart, take the steps to get there and jump. If you wanted to throw Birthday Parties in the back seats of cars, do it, do it right and do it better than anyone else in the world and you will be successful. Do what makes you feel good and you'll never regret it!
2. "I wish I didn't work so many hours."
Listen and learn. Yes work hard, but find the time for others to give, to play and most of all rest. This is a choice you have NOW. Listen or don't, this will be one of your top regrets if you don't.
3. "I wish I spoke my mind more."
I found this one a bit funny, only because most of the people I know speak their minds too much! But yes, I found this one to be a big regret. We don't like confrontation. Most of us don't like drama, and like to go with the flow.
Speak your mind in a kind and controlled way. Don't have this regret later on down the road.
4. "I wish I stayed in touch with my friends more."
Earlier in life we tend to have lot's of friends. We get tired and lazy. We get to the point where we'd rather curl up with a blanket and a good movie at the end of the night.We can become distant, it takes an effort to be with your friends. You have to give of yourself, hold conversations, listen more. Our days are crazy, our lives are busy, the last thing we want to do is to hear about other peoples craziness and busy-ness.
Don't fall into this pattern. Eventually, you will find you are very alone and longing for that conversation. Put in the effort, make the investment and give your heart and mind to a friend. They may need it more than you know. I understand relationships fade, this is inevitable. Find new ones! Please realize that you will be sorry about this one day. History has made this clear for us, it is one of our biggest regrets. Don't let it happen to you.
5. "I wish I had let myself be happier."
We all have choices. That sentence has been one I've stated over and over in life. Some of us are on a constant search for happiness and it never seems to come. "I'll be happy when I'm not with him anymore." or, "I'll be happy once she gets a job and isn't around the house so much." Please know, things happen.
Circumstances and craziness will always be around. Try really hard to be happy now no matter what is going on around you. It's hard but you can try. If you haven't left him yet, BE HAPPY NOW. If she hasn't got the job yet, BE HAPPY NOW. You may not have extra money or a soulmate in your life, you can still be happy now.
Go with the flow. If you have a roof over your head, have eaten food today and if you woke up being able to breathe... be happy. Just know, if you don't force yourself to BE HAPPY now or it will surely be one of your top regrets!
6. "I wish I was more giving and kinder along the way."
Self-explanatory, hopefully. Your reading this, you still have time now. Be the change, you have a choice.
There are many more I'm sure. Start with these. They are big. We only have this one life to live.
Don't regret a single moment. It goes by so fast, in the blink of an eye. Don't die with your music still in you!
We all have a mission in this universe. We all show up here yet we're afraid of so many things. Open an ice cream shop, raise wild horses or write the book you've always wanted to. However distant or weird it may sound, don't get to the end of your life and realize that you haven't done it right.
Do it now!